WPOW membership is free and open to people who meet the following criteria:
Reside at least part time in the DC metropolitan area.
Are female identifying
and either…
Are actively working in visual journalism (stills, video, multimedia, editing, education, etc.), or
Have previously worked in the industry and wish to remain connected to the community, or
Are students actively pursuing a career in the field
If the criteria above do not apply to you directly but you can demonstrate a keen interest in and an active pursuit of work in visual journalism, please explain in the application form, linked below, and we will be happy to evaluate on a case-by-case basis.
If none of the above applies and you would still like to be involved, sign up to get our newsletter. Follow us on social media and subscribe to our calendar to stay up to date on the many public events we hold.
WPOW members Evelyn Hockstein & Astrid Reicken, Inauguration Day, 2021.
(photo by David Burnett/Contact)